Sunday, August 5, 2007

Oh, hi! It's me - ahem - I mean, it's my cartoon alias "Ms. Spoil"! Visit The Simpson Movie Site to "Simpsonize" a picture of yourself! Tons of silly, purposeless fun! Hooray! For more meaningful fun, check out some of my new links!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ms.Coyle,its me rDubya.i love the simpsons version of you it's funny and it actually looks somewhat like you too.i couldn't do the leadership thing which stinks but thats cool.i just came back from was really fun i got to experience some pretty neat animals,plants and bugs too.we even got to do some rock climbing.Anyway two weeks ago i dyed my hair blonde so now when i say something stupid everyone knows why.i find that very so hows your summer so far? mines obviously been busy gtg bye.

Ms. Coyle said...

Hiya Dubya :) I am trying to picture you with blonde hair - I bet you look fabulous! I tried to dye my hair once with peroxide, but it reacted with the swimming pool water at my school and turned . . . ORANGE! I can't wait to hear about your rock climbing adventures!

Anonymous said...

hey miss coyle i figured out what that site i told you about last year was. its called i found it today and i want you to check it out!-knm

Ms. Coyle said...

I will check it out for sure! Thank you for sharing!!